研究テーマ / Research topic
What is Wearable Assist Robot?

Fig.1 Wearable assist robots in practical use (CYBERDYNE, INNOPHYS, ANA)

Fig.2 Body parts where caregivers feel physical burden
What is Wearable Assist Robot? (Eng.)
The wearable assist robot is a robot that wears directly on the human body to support human motion. In particular, it is expected to be applied for reducing the physical burden of workers at transportation and nursing care sites, and has been researched at various organizations including CYBERDYNE. At present, robots that support the lumbar, arms, and legs are already in the practical stage, and examples of introduction to realization sites have been reported.
On the other hand, it has become clear from a survey by the Osaka Prefectural Public Health Research Institute that the physical burden of care workers extends to not only the waist but also the entire torso (Fig. 2). Therefore, in this research, we aim to realize a robot that can support the entire torso, which is still at the research stage, and try to reduce the burden on the care workers further more.
Problem in Realization of Wearable Assist Robot for Entire Torso
本章では,既存のロボットとの比較を交えながら体幹部装着型ロボットの課題について述べます.一般に,装着型ロボットには① 構造決定,② 制御法の二つの設計要素があります.下図と合わせて,それぞれの観点から課題を説明します.

Fig.3 Comparison with existing robots
① 構造決定について
② 制御法について
Problem in Realization of Wearable Assist Robot for Entire Torso (Eng.)
In this chapter, we will describe the problems of the body-mounted robot while comparing it with existing robots.
① Determination of Robot Structure
The structure of the existing robot has been determined based on the human skeletal model so that the joint arrangement between the robot and the body matches. This makes it possible for the robot to follow human movements. On the other hand, it is unrealistic to match the joint arrangement as well as existing robots because the trunk is an articulated part consisting of more than 20 joints. In other words, skeletal models can not be applied in determining the structure of a body-worn robot, and it is necessary to verify which structure can support motion.
② Control method
The existing robot realized safe operation support by grasping the load applied to the joint part of the body using the torque sensor attached to the joint part. As mentioned above, it is difficult to match the number and arrangement of human joints in a wearable robot for torso. Hence, the existing control method can not grasp the load applied to the human body, and the safety of wearing can not be secured. In other words, in constructing a control method for a wearable robot for torso, it is necessary to design with consideration on how to secure safety of wearing.
Wearable Assist Robot for Entire Torso Focused on Contact with wearer

Fig.4 Concept of our robot
Wearable Assist Robot for Entire Torso Focused on Contact with Wearer (Eng.)
In this chapter, the concept of the proposed robot is described. In this research, we focus on “contact” with the body in order to construct the structure determination and control method of the robot.
As shown in Fig. 4, the force of the robot is transmitted to the wearer by “contact” with the body. Therefore, if “contact force” applied to the wearer can be measured directly, safety at the time of wearing should be secured without missing dangerous conditions such as concentration of local force on the wearer. With the development of sensor technology, sensors that can measure force distribution information, called tactile sensors, have recently been on the market. In this research, by mounting this sensor between the robot and the body, the force applied to a person is grasped as “contact force distribution”. Based on that, we realize a wearable robot that can be controlled to the intended “contact force distribution” and achieve safe body support.
Structure Determination Method Based on Body Surface Shape Measurement and Analysis
Structure Determination Method Based on Body Surface Shape Measurement and Analysis (Eng.)
In this chapter, we will explain the structure determination of a body-worn robot. In order to realize the proposed robot, the following two structural conditions should be satisfied.
・ It is possible to follow human movement
・ Can measure contact force distribution properly without leakage
Under the above conditions, the following constraints arise. In order to measure the contact force distribution properly, it is necessary to configure the robot with a hard material to which the contact force is accurately transmitted. Also, in order to measure the contact force distribution without leakage, the robot must always fit to the body regardless of the movement. Taking these conditions and constraints into consideration, we constructed a structure determination method that focused on the “body surface shape” that the robot actually contacts. If this method can measure and analyze the deformation of body surface shape caused by human movement and arrange the link according to the body surface shape in the small deformation body surface area, the displacement between the body and the robot is minimized As long as it can be For an overview of the structure determination method, please see this video.
Control Method Which Feeds Back Contact Force Distribution

Fig.5 Control system that feeds back contact force distribution
Control Method Which Feeds Back Contact Force Distribution (Eng.)
This chapter describes how to control a body-mounted robot. In the proposed robot, safe body support is realized by controlling the contact force distribution intended for human beings.
Fig. 5 shows a block diagram of a robot control system that feeds back the “contact force distribution” we built. The controller receives the “contact force distribution” acquired by the pressure distribution sensor mounted on the robot and the “contact force command distribution” as input. Then, within the controller, the robot posture closest to the contact force command distribution is calculated based on forward kinematics, and the joint angle command is applied to the robot. This achieves robot attitude control that achieves the intended “contact force distribution”.
Current Initiatives

Fig.6 Design of wearable robot for entire torso

Fig.7 Contact force distribution that changes according to the posture
Current Initiatives (Eng.)
Now, we are producing a real machine to verify the operation support effect and safety of the proposed robot. As a result of measuring and analyzing the deformation of the body surface shape accompanying the forward bending motion assuming support of the lifting motion, it became clear that the 3-link robot can cope with the motion (Fig. 6). And we design using the 3D CAD software and proceed with production using the 3D printer.
The configuration of the robot currently being produced is shown in Fig.7. The shape of each link conforms to the shape of the body surface in contact. A servomotor is mounted between the links, and relative movement is applied between the links to follow the lifting operation. By attaching a pressure distribution sensor directly inside the link, the force applied to the human body surface is measured as “contact force distribution”. We asked the subject to attach the robot actually produced, and confirmed that it was possible to measure the “contact force distribution” according to the movement (Fig. 8). In the future, we will start implementing the control method and quantitatively verify the effectiveness and safety of the proposed robot’s motion support through subject experiments.
本研究はJSPS 科研費若手研究(A)16H05915 の助成を受けて実施したものです.
[1]Aviation Wire 『ANA、ロボットスーツ「HAL」検証継続 25台導入で分野拡大』
[3]CYBERDYNE株式会社『HAL®介護支援用(腰タイプ)による介護現場での労務環境の改善効果を発表 ~介護職員の負担を軽減,離職防止に効果〜』
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[5]永井 清 他 『エスコート型リハビリロボットの構造解析』
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