研究テーマ / Research topic
1. Motor Drive System for Electric Vehicles.
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Electrical motors are widely applied in various applications such as railway vehicle, industrial equipment, consumer electronics and so on. Recent years, cars also employ the electrical motor for reducing the emission of CO2 and saving the environment. Electric cars strongly demand the power density for the motor drive system which includes the electrical motor, the inverter, the controller, sensors, and the battery. The battery is one of the biggest, heaviest and the most expensive element in the motor drive system. Therefore, we are working for reducing the size of the battery by bringing out the potential of the battery unit.
2. Overmodulation technique for Power Enhancement of the Drive system.
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AC motors are employed in most of electrical cars because of its high efficiency and maintainability. AC motors require AC power to rotate, however the battery cannot output AC power directly. Therefore, the inverter is necessary to convert the DC power of the battery to the AC power. There are several ways to convert the DC power to the AC power. In general, the inverter is utilized in the linear modulation region, in which region the inverter output sinusoidal voltage, however we intentionally operate the inverter in the linear modulation and drive motors with by trapezoidal wave voltage or square wave voltage for enhancing the output of the inverter. As a result, the fundamental component of the output voltage of the inverter increases up to 27% compared with operation in sinusoidal voltages, which means we can operate the motor 27% faster without enlarging the battery unit.
3. Harmonic suppression system for improving the control performance in the overmodulation region.
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In fact, the operable area of the electrical motors can not be expanded appropriately without any countermeasures against the non-linear characteristic in the overmodulation region. In the overmodulation region, 6th order harmonics components superimpose on the feedback currents and these disturbance components deteriorate the stability and performance of motor drive system. In order to enhance the control ability in the overmodulation region of the inverter, we have studied about the harmonic suppression method which eliminates the harmonic components generated only in the overmodulation region.
4. Filter-based harmonic suppression method without any motor parameter.
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Conventional studies have already achieved good control performance in the overmodulation region by suppressing harmonic components superimposed in the feedback current. However the conventional method utilize the accurate motor parameters for suppression of harmonic components, and they are hard to apply in the motor drive system of electrical cars. The traction motor of electric cars has extremely high power density and, the electrical parameters vary dramatically due to operating point. It is quite difficult to obtain electrical parameters of the motor in whole operation region, therefore we are studying about the filter-based harmonic suppression method which does not utilize any motor parameter.
5. Paper and conferences.
Paper / 論文
Design of Band Elimination Filter for PMSM Vector Control Operable in Overmodulation Region of Inverter (in Japanese)
IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications
Position Sensorless Control System within Over-modulation Range Based on Mathematical Model Robust against Magnetic Saturation of IPMSMs
International Conferences / 国際会議
2018 20th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE’18 ECCE-Europe)
Improvement in Control Performance of PMSMs by Deactivation of Antiwindup Control in the Overmodulation Range of an Inverter
2017 IEEE 12th International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS)
Filter setting for improving the current control performance of IPMSMs in overmodulation region of inverter
2017 20th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS)
Filter setting for improving torque control performance of IPMSMs in overmodulation region of inverter
IECON 2016 – 42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
Current control system using voltage phase reference filter in inverter overmodulation range for IPMSM
2015 IEEE 2nd International Future Energy Electronics Conference (IFEEC)
Improvement in current control performance for IPMSMs in the inverter over-modulation range considering voltage saturation
2015 17th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE’15 ECCE-Europe)
A robust position sensorless control method of IPMSMs to magnetic non-linearity within over-modulation range
Domestic Conferences (in Japanese) / 国内会議
【D】産業応用部門 モータドライブ研究会(in Japanese)
インバータ過変調領域まで動作可能な PMSM ベクトル制御系に適したアンチワインドアップ制御手法の検討
【全国大会】平成30年電気学会全国大会論文集(in Japanese)
【D】平成29年電気学会産業応用部門大会講演論文集(in Japanese)
【D】産業応用部門 モータドライブ研究会(in Japanese)
【D】平成28年電気学会産業応用部門大会講演論文集(in Japanese)
【D】平成27年電気学会産業応用部門大会講演論文集(in Japanese)
【D】産業応用部門 モータドライブ研究会(in Japanese)
【D】産業応用部門 家電・民生研究会(in Japanese)
【D】平成26年電気学会産業応用部門大会講演論文集(in Japanese)