研究テーマ / Research topic
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永久磁石同期モータ(PMSM: Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor)は、三相交流電圧によって駆動される交流モータで、小形で高出力密度、かつ高効率といった特徴を持っています。そのため、エアコンのコンプレッサ等の家電分野や、マニピュレータ等の産業分野、電気自動車等の移動体分野など実に幅広い分野で利用されています。

図1. PMSM概略図

図2. PMSMと位置センサ

図3. 位置センサ付き制御

図4. 位置センサレス制御

図5. 位置センサレス制御の始動時間
・二村 拓未, 道木 慎二: “信号重畳と速度により励起される拡張誘起電圧を利用した永久磁石同期モータの全速度域位置センサレス制御”, 電学論D, vol.140, No.8, pp.589-596
・近藤 翔太, 道木 慎二, 松本 純, 冨田 睦雄: “PMSM位置センサレス制御のための仮想誘起電圧に基づく制御用モデルに関する考察”, 電学論D, vol.139, No.1, pp.1-12
I study the position sensorless control of permanent magnet synchronous motors using Extended-Electromotive Force(EEMF). I am currently working on a method to reduce the starting time of the position sensorless control.
What is Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors?
PMSMs are AC motors driven by three-phase AC voltage, and are characterized by their small size, high power density, and high efficiency. For this reason, they are used in a wide range of fields, including home appliances such as air conditioner compressors, industrial fields such as manipulators, and mobile fields such as electric vehicles.
What is Position Sensor?
In order to control a PMSM, it is necessary to properly apply three-phase voltage according to the direction of the N-pole of the magnet inside the rotor (magnetic pole position information). Normally, it is necessary to install a position sensor on the motor shaft in order to obtain the magnetic pole position information. However, the use of a position sensor causes problems such as increased cost, installation space, and risk of wiring breakage. As a result, it will also lead to higher prices and increased size for home appliances and electric vehicles equipped with motors. Also, depending on the application, it may not be possible to install a position sensor on the motor in the first place.

Fig.1 Schematic diagram of PMSM

Fig.2 PMSM and position sensor
What is Position Sensorless Control?
Position sensor-less control has been proposed as a solution to the problem of position sensor installation. In position sensor-less control, the position information is calculated from the applied voltage and measured current and the mathematical model. Therefore, a position sensor is no longer required. This calculation can be achieved only by rewriting the software, i.e., the control program, so no hardware changes are required.

Fig.3 Control system with position sensor

Fig.4 Position sensorless control system
Research Introduction
One of the challenges in position sensorless control is the startup time. In position sensor-less control, the initial value of the position is unknown at the start of position estimation, so time is required to complete the estimation of the initial value, i.e., start-up time. If the position estimation is started at the same time as the motor rotation command, there will be a time lag to the output due to the start-up time.

Fig.5 Startup time of position sensorless control
Therefore, I am studying the reduction of this starting time. As a mathematical model, I use Extended-Electromotive Force (EEMF) model because it is suitable for estimating the entire speed range from start to high speed.
I have proposed a method that can reduce the starting time to about one-third of the conventional method by reviewing the signals used for starting. My current efforts include reviewing the adjustment items and algorithms based on the results of experiments with various motors, and trying to improve the method to be more optimal.
Reference for EEMF
[1] T. Nimura, and S. Doki, “Position Sensorless Control of IPMSM in Overall Speed Range by Extended EMF,” 21st European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE ’19 ECCE Europe), Genova, Sept. 2019.
[2] K. Kitamura, T. Nimura, and S. Doki, “Position Sensorless Control Method by Using Redefined Extended Electromotive Force for All-Speed-Range Drive of IPMSM and its Evaluation on Electric Vehicle,” 2020 IEEE 29th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), Delft, Netherlands, 2020